Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support.

What about privacy?
This project is focused on privacy-first principle. Private information will remain invisible if you do not want to show it. Only publicly available information may be visible.
Why did you make this?
Hey, folks, Anton is here! I've been using GitHub to host my repos for many years. And I always feel like it doesn't provide me with the full picture statistics-wise. GitHub stores repository traffic data for 14 days and has no personal profile statistics.

I created this service to fill the gap and shared it with you... and hope you'll like it too :)
Why do you need my GitHub login?
GitHub provides a 5,000 request per hour rate-limit on their API. Ÿ HŸPE tracks changes for you 24 hours a day and it takes a lot of requests. To circumvent this, we use GitHub App which allow us to never worry about rate limits.
Why does the profile views counter increase every time the page is reloaded?
We don't know who was the original initiator of the request, we can only increase the counter when GitHub server message us.

This is because GitHub proxies all image URLs through the GitHub Camo service. The IP address and user agent in each request are always the same, they are replaced with Camo service ones.
Why my organization is not listed in sidebar?
You have to be an Owner of the organization. Only owners have access to the statistics.

We cannot collect organization data if you are private member. Go to the "People" tab in organization page on GitHub and change the visibility of membership to Public.