Ÿ Linx
Check out what the community is excited about.
bat: A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
(github.com) -
Just use Postgres by Ethan McCue
(mccue.dev) -
Git Interactive Rebase Tool: Native cross-platform terminal-based sequence editor for interactive rebase in Git 1.7.8+
(gitrebasetool.mitmaro.ca) -
Mailpit: email & SMTP testing tool with API for developers
(mailpit.axllent.org) -
a Python toolbox for machine learning on Partially-Observed Time Series
(github.com)by Wenjie Du
Curious exactly what happens when you run a program on your computer?
(cpu.land) -
act: Run GitHub Actions locally
(github.com) -
AltTab: Brings many new features to macOS cmd+tab functionality
(alt-tab-macos.netlify.app) -
ImHex: Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers and Programmers
(github.com) -
croc: Tool that allows any two computers to simply and securely transfer files and folder via CLI
(github.com) -
kotlinx.rpc: Multiplatform Kotlin library that provides tools to perform Remote Procedure Calls
(github.com) -
Amber: Programming type-safe language compiled to Bash
(amber-lang.com) -
When to declare classes final in PHP by Marco Pivetta
(ocramius.github.io) -
How to Mock Final Classes in PHPUnit by Tomas Vortuba
(tomasvotruba.com) -
Laravel Ban: Simplify Management of Eloquent Models Ban
(github.com) -
Mailpit: Еmail & SMTP testing tool with API for developers
(mailpit.axllent.org) -
Glance: Self-hosted Dashboard With All Your Feeds
(github.com) -
Yazi: Terminal File Manager Written in Rust
(yazi-rs.github.io) -
Yup: Schema Builder for Runtime Value Parsing and Validation
(github.com) -
Zod: TypeScript Schema Declaration and Validation Library
(zod.dev) -
drawDB: Open Source Database Design Tool and SQL Generator
(drawdb.vercel.app) -
Zed: Open Source Multiplayer Code Editor From the Creators of Atom and Tree-sitter
(zed.dev) -
Hono: Lightweight Web Application Framework Built on Web Standards
(hono.dev) -
H3: A Hexagonal Hierarchical Geospatial Indexing System
(h3geo.org) -
Lapce: Open Source IDE Written in Rust
(lapce.dev) -
PocketBase: Open Source backend for SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file
(pocketbase.io) -
12 Common Mistakes and Missed Optimization Opportunities in SQL
(hakibenita.com) -
A Deep Technical Dive Into Redis
(architecturenotes.co) -
Explanation How Relational Databases Work
(architecturenotes.co) -
Book-writing Workflow by Matthias Noback
(matthiasnoback.nl) -
ClickHouse Database integration for Laravel framework
(github.com) -
Laravel Love Reactions System Package
Add Social Reactions to Laravel Eloquent Models. It lets people express how they feel about the content. Fully customizable Weighted Reaction System & Reaction Type System with Like, Dislike and any other custom emotion types. Do you react?